DS = Data structure of Shawn's

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Shawn has a magical data structure.

Originally it takes an array of Integers (1-based index ) $A$ whose length is $n$ , and it supports these operations:

Modify a number

M p x means update $A[p] = x$

Segment Division

D L R x which enumerate every number index from L to R inclusive , divide each number by $x$ ( integer division , $3 / 2 = 1$ , $5 / 10 = 0$ )

Segment Sum Query

Q L R you need to output the sum for number from L to R inclusive. Basically $A[L] + A[L + 1] + ... + A[R]$


First line 1 number $n$.

Second line $n$ numbers $A_{i}$.

Third line 1 number $m$.

The rest of $m$ lines , each line contains an operation.

$1 \le n,m \le 10^{5}$

$1 \le A_{i},x \le 10^{9}$

$1 \le L , R , p \le n$


For each query , output a number indicates the answer.

Sample Input

1 2 3 4 5
Q 1 3
D 1 3 2
M 2 2
Q 1 3

Sample Output

